2024 Policies, Procedures, & Rules of Play


  • All policies, procedures, and rules of play not specifically stated will be governed by Major League Baseball

SMARTS tournament directors reserve the right to amend any rule, schedule, diamond location, game format, or combine age brackets to accommodate time constraints, weather conditions, and unforeseeable circumstances.

  • SMARTS tournament directors may remove a team if they do not have their roster or insurance information submitted, or has failed to follow SMARTS tournaments stay & play policy.

  • Tournament schedule will be uploaded to the SMARTS website and emailed to coaches by the Tuesday of the week of the tournament. Once the schedule is uploaded and emailed it will be final unless unforeseeable circumstances arise.

  • Tournament team roster must be submitted with registration form. Rosters may be edited but must be finalized by the Tuesday of the week of the tournament.

  • Coaches must have player birth certificates on hand during tournament play. Failure to produce a player’s birth certificate upon a protest request will result in the player’s ineligibility. Team will forfeit all games that the player in question has already played in by a score of 8-0.

  • Protest fee is $100 cash (On player eligibility or rule interpretation). Protests must be made prior to the next pitch being thrown. The umpires must be informed of the protest. Tournament director will make the final decision on all protests. Protests that result in an over-ruled decision will include a full refund of the $100 fee.

  • Smarts provides venues at numerous locations each weekend. If a division fails to fill we reserve the right to move teams from one to another within a respectable drive of 50 miles. If a team declines to accept changed venue they will forfeit their right to a refund.  In some situations, we will partner with an affiliate company to place your team in a division with more teams.

  • Teams are required with tournament registration to submit a copy of their general liability/accidental medical insurance policy. Failure to do so could result in the team’s removal from tournament play.

      >All tournament brackets will be closed for registration the Tuesday evening before tournament date and          schedules will be posted by noon on Wednesday. 


  • If a division doesn’t full S.M.A.R.T.S. reserves the right to coordinate through one of our other local tournament organizations to combine teams in their event’s divisions to allow your team to play.

  •  *   Refunds/   Registration Fees- Registration fees are set for single game pricing unless a mutual agreement is         reached  between both parties for discounts on multiples tourney packages. If a tourney or league fee is deleted  from the original agreement this will affect the original pricing and may revert to full price depending on amount agreed upon. example 3 tourney discount= $75.00 off each. If one is deleted, discount will then be $50.00 off Each. This is an example not solidified amount.    Any registration discount amounts must be paid in full or SMARTS reserves the right to void agreement. 

 ALL REFUNDS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO within 30 days of registration.  All requests after 30 days will be processed as a credit to use within 2 years

  • Weather Refund Policy:

    – Zero games played = 100% refund

    – 1 game played = 50% refund

    – 2 or more games played = 0% refund

  • – all refunds regardless of circumstance is subject to a $26.75 administration fee per registration for tournament or league. all refunds will be processed within 30 days from tournament. Smarts Tournaments reserves the right to send partial refunds in the order they were received, until determination has been made why refund is warranted. We encourage credits to be used within 2 years, transfers to another team is acceptable if both parties agree. When submitting for a refund to please provide a mailing address. Regardless how payment is made, a refund check will be dispersed to the party submitting the refund.
  • Cancellations and withdraws:
  • If a tournament changes venues or a division cancels because it doesn’t fill coaches will be contacted for alternate locations or offered a credit towards a different tournament. If the coach chooses not to accept these provisions SMARTS reserves the right to only refund a portion of the original registration up to $150.00, maximum amount of 50%.  
  • If a division cancels due to Covid 19 your team will receive 100% or a credit for 2 years into any division. If your a team that withdraws due to Covid 19 or quarantine, documents must be provide for refund otherwise you’ll receive a credit for 2 years into any division,
  •  Cancellations or Withdraws from the tournament less than one week prior to the scheduled tournament or if your teams withdraw results in division shutting down, will result in a forfeiture of the registration fees.

  • Any team that withdrawals after the schedule is released will only receive a credit good for two years into any division.

  • Teams should be ready to play up to 30 minutes before scheduled game time. 

  • No more than 4 coaches in the dugout during play. This includes the score keeper. 

  • Tournament Tie Breakers: 

    1. Win-Loss Record

    2. Fewest Runs Allowed

    3. Total Run Differential (Max/Min Per Game = 8 runs)

    4. Coin Flip 

  • Official scorebook will be kept by the home team and will be determined by a pre-game coin flip unless teams are seeded. In that case, the lower seed will be the home team and will be responsible for keeping the official scorebook. 

  • Max runs per inning: There is no limit of runs that can be scored per inning, however, professional courtesy is advised. 

  • Minimum # of players: All teams must begin play with 9 players. Due to illness or injury a team may finish/complete the game with a minimum of 8 players. Failure to finish/complete the game with 8 players will result in an 8-0 forfeit. 

  • Maximum Roster: 15 players 

  • Cleats/Spikes:

  • 8u-12u = Rubber only

  • 13u-14u = Rubber or Metal Spikes 

  • Players are prohibited from wearing watches, rings, pins, or metal jewelry in the field of play. Bracelets & necklaces that have detachable safety closures are allowed. 

  • All catchers must be properly equipped 

  • While in the field of play, helmets must be worn by players at all times. No exceptions! 

  • Ejections: If a player, coach, or parent are ejected from the game for any reason, they are to leave the premises immediately, are not allowed to attend the remainder of the tournament, and will not be given a refund. No exceptions! 

  • # of inning:

  • 8u-12u = 6 innings

  • 13u-14u = 7 innings

  • Game length:

  • 8u-12u = No inning shall begin after 1hr 45mins

  • 13u-14u = No inning shall begin after 2hrs 

  • Run rules (Mercy):

  • 8u-12u = 20 runs after 2 innings

                    15 runs after 3 innings

                     10 runs after 4 innings

                         8 runs after 5 innings 

  • 13u-14u = 20 runs after 3 innings

                         15 runs after 4 innings

                         10 runs after 5 innings

                           8 runs after 6 innings 

  • Tie Games:

  • Tie games are allowed in pool/round robin play

  • In bracket/championship play, International Tie Breaker rules are in effect 

  • Game dimensions:

    Age                                Mound                 Bases

    8u                                     42’                      60’

    9u-10u                             46’                      65’

    11u-12u                           50’                      70’

    13u                                   54’                      80’

    14u                                   60’6’’                  90’ 

  • Pitching:
  • There is no limit on the # of innings pitched, however, it is highly recommended that coaches follow the USA Baseball: Pitch Smart Guidelines.

  • Innings must consecutive, no re-entry

  • Mound Visits:

    – One mound visit per inning, per pitcher. A second trip to the mound in the same inning will cause the pitchers automatic removal. Injuries do not count as a mound visit.

  • Balks:

    – 8u: Balks will not be strictly enforced unless a persistent violation of the rule occurs

    – 9u-12u: One warning per pitcher, per game.

    – 13u-14u: Balk will be strictly enforced without warning

  • Intentional Walks:

    – 8u-12u: Are granted upon request

    – 13u-14u: Pitcher must carry out the process of throwing four balls

  • Fake to 3rd – Throw to 1st is a balk unless pitcher steps off of the back of the rubber first

  • Pitchers are prohibited from wearing sunglasses (unless prescription), long white sleeves or batting gloves 

  • Batting & Re-entry:

  • Teams may bat 9, 10 (1 EH), or roster bat

  • Line up intentions must be announced at pre-game meeting

  • If batting 9 or 10, starters may re-enter the game once, subs may not re-enter after being removed

  • If roster batting, free substitution may occur

  • If roster batting and an ejection occurs, that batting position would result in an out.

  • If roster batting and a player is removed from the lineup from a legitimate illness or injury, no out will occur 

  • Bat Rules:

  • Small barrel (2 1/4) or big barrel (2 5/8 or 2 3/4) may be used. 1.15 BPF standard marked on bat or BBCOR certified.

          13U Max of Drop 8 (-8) BFF Mark Stamp
          14U Max of Drop 5 (-5) BFF Mark Stamp
          High School Max of Drop 3 (-3) BBCOR.50 Mark

          If divisions are combined, players follow the highest division rules.  For example a mixed 14/15 division would follow the Drop 3                requirements

  • Wooden bats may be used at any age level

  • A player found using an illegal bat once they have entered the batters’ box is automatically out 

  • Outfielders:

  • 8u: May play with 4 outfielders if agreed upon by both coaches

  • 9u-14u: Must play with 3 outfielders unless team is fielding 8 defensive players due to illness or injury 

  • Base Running:

  • Leading off: All age levels may lead off and steal at will

  • Stealing Home:

    – 8u: No, runners can only advance home on a batted ball or forced walk

    – 9u: One max per inning as a result of a steal or pitcher/catcher exchange

    – 10u-14u: No limitations

  • Courtesy Runner:

    – For pitcher/catcher at any time

    – If not roster batting, player must not be in current lineup

    – If roster batting, must be player who committed the last out

  • Slide Rule/Avoid Malicious Contact:

    – Whenever a tag play is evident, runners must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder. No player may initiate malicious contact. Malicious contact will be the umpire’s judgement and will be based on intent. A player using malicious contact will be automatically out and subject to ejection from the tournament.

    – Head first slides are allowed, but not recommended. 

  • Drop 3rd Strike:

  • 8u: Not in effect

  • 9u-14u: In effect under high school rules 

  • Infield Fly: Rule is in effect and enforced at all age levels234

Age Eligibility

The age cutoff date is January 1st for the following season

Eligibility of transgender athletes

SMARTS does not prohibit girls from participating on boys teams.  Therefore S.M.A.R.T.S. will not be involved in matters involving trans male (female to male) players.  When questions arise involving trans female (male to female players S.M.A.R.T.S will determine eligibility on a case by case basis from documentation that answers the following questions

1.  What gender is recorded on these school documents for this player

a. School Registration

b. School Transcript

c. Health/Immunization Records

d.  Physical Exam

2.  What do this player’s other records indicate

a. Drivers license

b. Voter Registration

c. Selective Service

d. Social Security

3.  Has the player started…

a. Hormone Replacement Therapy

b.  Sex Reassignment Surgery


2024 Policies, Procedures, & Rules of Play


  • All policies, procedures, and rules of play not specifically stated will be governed by ASA

  • SMARTS tournament directors reserve the right to amend any rule, schedule, diamond location, game format, or combine age brackets to accommodate time constraints, weather conditions, and unforeseeable circumstances.

  • SMARTS tournament directors may remove a team if they do not have their roster or insurance information submitted.

  • Tournament schedule will be uploaded to the SMARTS website, Facebook, & Exposure Baseball not later than Tuesday morning/mid-afternoon of the week of the tournament. Once the schedule is uploaded and emailed it will be final unless unforeseeable circumstances arise.

  • Tournament team roster must be submitted with registration form. Rosters may be edited but must be finalized by the Thursday of the week of the tournament.

  • Coaches must have player birth certificates on hand during tournament play. Failure to produce a player’s birth certificate upon a protest request will result in the player’s ineligibility. Team will forfeit all games that the player in question has already played in by a score of 8-0.

  • Protest fee is $100 cash (On player eligibility or rule interpretation). Protests must be made prior to the next pitch being thrown. The umpires must be informed of the protest. Tournament director will make the final decision on all protests. Protests that result in an over-ruled decision will include a full refund of the $100 fee.

  • Teams are required with tournament registration to submit a copy of their general liability/accidental medical insurance policy. Failure to do so could result in the team’s removal from tournament play

  • Refund Policy: ALL REFUNDS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO within 30 days of registration.  All requests after 30 days will be processed as a credit to use within 2 years


  •  *   Refunds/   Registration Fees- Registration fees are set for single game pricing unless a mutual agreement is         reached  between both parties for discounts on multiples tourney packages. If a tourney or league fee is deleted  from the original agreement this will affect the original pricing and may revert to full price depending on amount agreed upon. example 3 tourney discount= $75.00 off each. If one is deleted, discount will then be $50.00 off Each. This is an example not solidified amount.    Any registration discount amounts must be paid in full or SMARTS reserves the right to void agreement. 

  • Any team that withdrawals after the schedule is released will only receive a credit good for two years into any division.

  • If a division doesn’t full S.M.A.R.T.S. reserves the right to coordinate through one of our other local tournament organizations to combine teams in their event’s divisions to allow your team to play.

  • If a division cancels due to Covid 19 your team will receive 100% or a credit for 2 years into any division. If your a team that withdraws due to Covid 19 or quarantine, documents must be provide for refund otherwise you’ll receive a credit for 2 years into any division.

– Zero games played = 100% refund

– 1 game played = 50% refund

– 2 or more games played = 0% refund

  • – all refunds regardless of circumstance is subject to a $26.75 administration fee per registration for tournament or league. all refunds will be processed within 30 days from tournament. Smarts Tournaments reserves the right to send partial refunds in the order they were received, until determination has been made why refund is warranted. We encourage credits to be used within 2 years, transfers to another team is acceptable if both parties agree. When submitting for a refund to please provide a mailing address. Regardless how payment is made, a refund check will be dispersed to the party submitting the refund.

  • Cancellations or Withdraws from the tournament less than one week prior to the scheduled tournament or if your teams withdraw results in division shutting down, will result in a forfeiture of the registration fees.

  • Teams should be ready to play up to 30 minutes before scheduled game time.

  • No more than 4 coaches in the dugout during play. This includes the score keeper.

  • Tournament Tie Breakers:

  1. Win-Loss Record

  2. Fewest Runs Allowed

  3. Total Run Differential (Max/Min Per Game = 8 runs)

  4. Coin Flip

  • Official scorebook will be kept by the home team and will be determined by a pre-game coin flip unless teams are seeded. In that case, the lower seed will be the home team and will be responsible for keeping the official scorebook.

  • Max runs per inning: There is no limit of runs that can be scored per inning, however, professional courtesy is advised.

  • Minimum # of players: All teams must begin play with 9 players. Due to illness or injury a team may finish/complete the game with a minimum of 8 players. Failure to finish/complete the game with 8 players will result in an 8-0 forfeit.

  • Maximum Roster: 15 players

  • Cleats/Spikes:

  • 8u-12u = Rubber only

  • 14u-16u = Rubber or Metal Spikes

  • Players are prohibited from wearing watches, rings, pins, or metal jewelry in the field of play. Bracelets & necklaces that has detachable safety closures are allowed.

  • All catchers must be properly equipped

  • While in the field of play, helmets must be worn by players at all times. No exceptions!

  • Ejections: If a player, coach, or parent are ejected from the game for any reason, they are to leave the premises immediately, are not allowed to attend the remainder of the tournament, and will not be given a refund. No exceptions!

  • # of inning:

  • 8u-12u = 6 innings

  • 14u-16u = 7 innings

  • Game length:

  • 8u-12u = No inning shall begin after 1hr 45mins

  • 14u-16u = No inning shall begin after 2hrs

  • Run rules (Mercy):

  • 8u-12u = 20 runs after 2 innings

                  15 runs after 3 innings

                 10 runs after 4 innings

                       8 runs after 5 innings

  • 14u-16u = 20 runs after 3 innings

                       15 runs after 4 innings

                       10 runs after 5 innings

                         8 runs after 6 innings

  • Tie Games:

  • Tie games are allowed in pool/round robin play

  • In bracket/championship play, International Tie Breaker rules are in effect

  • Game dimensions:

Age                                     Mound                    Bases

8u                        35’                        60’

10u                                        35’                         60’

12u                                      40’                         60’

14u                  -16u           43’’                       60’

  • Pitching:

  • There is no limit on the # of innings pitched

  • 8u & 10u = 11’’ game ball

  • 12u-16u = 12’’ game ball

  • Innings must be consecutive, no re-entry

  • Mound Visits:

– One mound visit per inning, per pitcher. A second trip to the mound in the same inning will cause the pitchers automatic removal. Injuries do not count as a mound visit.

  • Intentional Walks:

– Are granted upon request

  • Pitchers are prohibited from wearing sunglasses (unless prescription), long white sleeves or batting gloves

  • Batting & Re-entry:

  • Teams may bat 9, 10 (1 EH), or roster bat

  • Line up intentions must be announced at pre-game meeting

  • If batting 9 or 10, starters may re-enter the game once, subs may not re-enter after being removed

  • If roster batting, free substitution may occur

  • If roster batting and an ejection occurs, that batting position would result in an out.

  • If roster batting and a player is removed from the lineup from a legitimate illness or injury, no out will occur

  • Bat Rules:

  • Bat may not exceed a BPF of 1.20 and should be marked with either an ASA or USSSA approval stamp. Bats can be made from aluminum or other materials, fiberglass, graphite, or other composite materials. Bats can be made from one or multiple pieces

  • Outfielders:

  • 8u & 10u: May play with 4 outfielders if agreed upon by both coaches

  • 12u-16u: Must play with 3 outfielders unless team is fielding 8 defensive players due to illness or injury

  • Base Running:

  • No leading off, runner may steal upon the release of the pitch

  • Stealing Home:

– 8u: No, runners can only advance home on a batted ball or forced walk

– 10u: One max per inning as a result of a steal or pitcher/catcher exchange

– 12u-16u: No limitations

  • Courtesy Runner:

– For pitcher/catcher at any time

– If not roster batting, player must not be in current lineup

– If roster batting, must be player who committed the last out

  • Slide Rule/Avoid Malicious Contact:

– Whenever a tag play is evident, runners must slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder. No player may initiate malicious contact. Malicious contact will be the umpire’s judgement and will be based on intent. A player using malicious contact will be automatically out and subject to ejection from the tournament.

– Head first slides are allowed, but not recommended.

  • Drop 3rd Strike:

  • 8u : Not in effect

  • 10u-16u: In effect under high school rules

  • Bunting

  • Slap bunting is allowed

  • Infield Fly: Rule is in effect and enforced at all age levels2

Eligibility of transgender athletes

SMARTS does not prohibit girls from participating on boys teams.  Therefore S.M.A.R.T.S. will not be involved in matters involving trans male (female to male) players.  When questions arise involving trans female (male to female players S.M.A.R.T.S will determine eligibility on a case by case basis from documentation that answers the following questions

1.  What gender is recorded on these school documents for this player

a. School Registration

b. School Transcript

c. Health/Immunization Records

d.  Physical Exam

2.  What do this player’s other records indicate

a. Drivers license

b. Voter Registration

c. Selective Service

d. Social Security

3.  Has the player started…

a. Hormone Replacement Therapy

b.  Sex Reassignment Surgery


Age Eligibility

The age cutoff date is January 1st for the following season